
Cryolipolyse is an aesthetic medical intervention that allows the breakdown of hypodermic fat by prolonged exposure to cold. This technique eliminates localized fat in order to reshape a patient’s body.



Elimination of localized adiposity such as:

  • Chin 
  • Arms 
  • Adipomasty
  • Inframammary fold 
  • Belly 
  • Love Handles 
  • Saddlebags 
  • Thighs 
  • Knees 
  • Calves 

The main contraindications are: visceral hernias, cold related diseases and pregnancy.
Your surgeon will check with you to ensure that there are no contraindications for this treatment.


A session lasts about 60 minutes. First, your doctor measures the fat fold and defines the treatment parameters to achieve your goals. Then, he applies a cryoprotective wipe to the skin of the area to be treated. When the applicator is installed, the fat crystallization begins. Comfortably seated, all you have to do is relax, read or listen to music. Once the session is over, your doctor will massage the treated area for about ten minutes to accelerate the lymphatic process and the elimination of fat cells.

The results are not immediately visible because the fat cells are gradually eliminated by the lymphatic system. The first results will be observed some 8 weeks after the treatment, and the fat cells will continue to be eliminated for 3 or 4 months.

The sessions are held at the Centre Parati (7 rue Grand’rue • 1341 Céroux-Mousty).

For more information please contact Dr. Cuylits.